đ BPF Workshop: Architectural Photoreproductions: Identification and Conservation// â Deadline inschrijving: 1 maart 2024
Docent: Hildegard Homburger
Wanneer: maandag 22 april 2024 â dinsdag 23 april 2024
9.00 â 17.00 uur incl. koffie, thee, lunch
Locatie: Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken, Leiden
Kosten workshop: RN-leden 225 euro, Niet RN-leden: 275 euro
Max. aantal deelnemers: 12
Voertaal: Engels
Inschrijven: boekpapierfoto@restauratoren.nl
Inschrijf deadline: 1 maart 2024
Verzoek om per bedrijf/instelling ÊÊn medewerker op te geven. Bij teveel aanmeldingen gaan we over op
Inhoud workshop:
Until the introduction of computers, photoreproduction was the common means to copy architectural drawings. These copies are found in architectural collections as well as archives, but also in art collections.
Photoreproductions are contact copies, which are produced based on the effect of light but without photographic equipment. This technique was used to produce equal-sized copies of technical drawings.
They were made by taking a technical drawing that had been drawn on translucent material and placing it directly against a photosensitised sheet and exposing it to light. The light sensitive carrier was most often paper.
The components of the chemical solutions within the sensitized layers of these photoreproductions vary depending on the copy process. The chemical composition of the light sensitive components of these copies and the resulting sensitivity towards light and environmental conditions require special attention and care when considering storage and exhibition.
In the seminar the major photoreproduction processes, (Cyanotype, Vandyke print, Ferrogallic print, Diazotype,
Silver gelatine contact print, Gel lithography, Negrography), will be explained historically and technically.
The two days provide an opportunity to look at a great number and variety of original copies under
magnification and to exercise the identification of their techniques. A separate part will focus on the
conservation (storage, exhibition and treatment) of these different photoreproductions
Informatie over docent:
Since 1986, Hildegard Homburger has been a paper conservator in private practice in Berlin, Germany,
concentrating on art on paper, architectural drawings and transparent paper.
She is a guest lecturer at Technical University Berlin and has taught at many institutions.