🎓BPF Workshop: Conservation of Tracing Paper //📢 Deadline inschrijving: 1 maart 2024
🎓 Docent: Hildegard Homburger
Wanneer: donderdag 25 april 2024 – vrijdag 26 april 2024
9.00 – 17.00 uur incl. koffie, thee, lunch
Locatie: Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken, Leiden
Kosten workshop: RN-leden 350 euro, Niet RN-leden: 400 euro
Max. aantal deelnemers: 8
Voertaal: Engels
Inschrijven: boekpapierfoto@restauratoren.nl
Inschrijf deadline: 1 maart 2024
Verzoek om per bedrijf/instelling één medewerker op te geven. Bij teveel aanmeldingen gaan we
over op loting.
Inhoud workshop:
There are three major groups of tracing papers: impregnated papers, papers exposed to acid and
papers which are made from over beaten fibre pulp. Each manufacturing process influences the
dimensional stability of these papers. The goal of the course is understand the material properties of
tracing paper and how these affect conservation decisions and treatments.
Participants will learn different treatment technique adequate for tracing papers. The main focus of
the seminar is to gain an understanding of the several treatment techniques through hands-on
working on originals and dummies. Each participant will work on his/her own object. The small group
of participant allows the personal attention of the instructor.
Informatie over docent:
Since 1986, Hildegard Homburger has been a paper conservator in private practice in Berlin,
Germany, concentrating on art on paper, architectural drawings and transparent paper.
She is a guest lecturer at Technical University Berlin and has taught at many institutions.